Kamis, 14 April 2011

Example of Procedure text

How to charge hand phone battery

prepare your :
- hand phone
- battery charger

Steps :
1. Connect the charger to your hand phone, the flash symbol on the charger plug must face upward.
2. Wait until the battery icon appears on the screen.
3. Charge the battery approximately 5 hours or until the battery icon indicates that the battery is fully charged.
4. Remove the charger by pulling out from your hand phone.

Re-posting from http://peperonity.com/go/sites/mview/procedure/14854341

Example of Report Text


Birds are interesting flying animals. They are vertebrates and warm blooded animals. They belong to aves class and they can be found all over the world.

Birds breath with their air pocket. Beside as respiration organ, air pocket also can enlarge or reduce their weight when flying or swimming.

There are many kinds of birds. Earth bird has special characteristic. They have different morphology acording to their food and their habitat. Some of them eat seeds, pollen, fish or meat. There are some species that live in land and the others live in water. Land birds live on their nest.

Female birds have specific tasks. they lay eggs and feed their baby, Beside that they look for foods for their baby.

Edited by admin, written by Ummi Sallamah
students of SMAN 1 Welahan Jepara
Grade XI Pia 1 2006/2007

Re-posting from http://peperonity.com/go/sites/mview/genrereport/14817713

Example of News Item Text

Istighosah (mass prayer) at SMAN 1 Welahan Jepara.
By : Fatkhur Rozi

Students’ Association (OSIS) of SMAN 1 Welahan Jepara held istighosah at the hall of musholla.

This program was held on Saturday April 14, 2007 attended by all students, teachers and administration staff of SMAN 1 Welahan.

According to Heru Warsono, S.Pd. assistant to headmaster of student’s affairs, this program was intended to give spiritual support to the XII grade students that would take national Final Exams on April 17-19, 2007.

Istighosah was started at 7 a.m. and finished at 12 a.m. The first agenda was Sholat Duha and Asma’ul Husna recital. Then followed by speech from Headmaster.

The main agenda of this program was mauidhoh hasanah / speech by the honorable and the popular Moslem scholar from Kudus, Romo Kiyai Sya’roni Ahmadi.
On his speech, Yi Sya’roni urged the students to have ahlaqul karimah (good manner) and good knowledge for their future.

Re-posting from http://peperonity.com/go/sites/mview/newsitem/14930153

Example of Analytical Exposition text

7 a.m. is not early for a class to begin

Written By Ani Sofiani, Students of SMAN 1 Welahan Jepara Grade XI Pia 2, 2006/2007

7 a.m. is not too early for a class to begin. As we all know, at 7 a.m. the human's brain is still fresh, and the students and the teacher are not too late to go home.

Firstly, at 7 a.m. the human's brain is still fresh to think. So teachers can teach optimally and the students can learn optimally too. the students can understand the lesson easily.

Secondly, if at 7 a.m. a class begins, the students and the teachers are not too late to go home. So they can rest and study at their home for a long time.

In conclusion, 7 a.m. is not too early for a class to begin because it gives better result.

Re-posting from http://peperonity.com/go/sites/mview/analytical/14917044

Example of explanation text


Every human needs the air that contains oxygen for breathing. Without it, we won’t life and we can’t do our daily activity. But, have you ever thought about the process of respiration?

First, the air enters through our nose. In the nose, it will be warmed by mucus membrane and it also will be cleaned by the soft hairs in the nose. After that, it flows through the throat, larinks, and trachea. And if there’s a strange thing which is brought by the air, it will be refused by a web which is located in trachea. Then, the air flows throught a branch of broncus called bronchiolus. The last, it enters into abranch of bronchiolus called Alveolus. Alveolus is collection of collection of the lung’s buble an it’s a place were the cange between oxygen and carbon dioxide happens.

That’s the process of respiration that we do all the the time because we are the living creature.

written on join construction section by:

Adkha SA
Ari Dewi Lestari
Miftahul Huda

students of SMAN 1 Welahan Jepara
Grade XI Pia 3 2006/2007

Re-posting from http://peperonity.com/go/sites/mview/genreexplanation/14838654

Example of Review text

Romantic Rhapsody

Written by Theresia, Student of SMAN ! Welahan Jepara, Grade XII PIA 2, 2006/2007

Artist: ADA Band
Title : Romantic Rhapsody
Genre : Pop
Production : EMI Music Indonesia

ADA band is the most popular group band in Indonesia. They are Doni (vocal), Krishna (keyboard), Marshall (guitar), Dika (bass), and additional player on drum, Rere. ADA Band has produced 6 album since 1996.

After succeed with their album Heaven of Love, this time, ADA Band again release the 7th album. The title is Romantic Rhapsody. There are 12 songs in this album. This is special album because all of player make several songs. Not only that, but also the color of music is more variety.

If we hear Senandung Lagu Cinta, we will hear the sound of Marshall's guitar influenced by classical guitar from spain. On the song of Jalan Cahaya, ADA Band featuring Ubiet. This song is about God.

From 12 songs, Karena Wanita become a hit because this song is dedicated to all woman in the world.

This album is deserved to be obtained and you should have this album.

Re-posting from http://peperonity.com/go/sites/mview/genrereview/14926245

Open Letter to The School Committee

Welahan, April 29, 2007

The school committee of SMAN 1 Welahan Jepara.

Dear sir,

We have writing this letter to you because we are concerned about education quality of SMAN 1 Welahan.

To improve the students’ quality in language learning, we need language laboratory.

As we know, two of the subjects given on the national final examination are Bahasa Indonesia and English. Especially on English, there is listening comprehension section on the test. Students should be prepared to do listening test and one of the instruments needed is language laboratory.

Actually we have tape recorder to teach listening, but it is a matter of problem since the teacher must bring tape recorder, wire, cassette and other material from class to class. It wastes of energy and time. Teachers are busy on preparing instruments. If we have language laboratory, teacher can prepare the material of lesson without disturbing preparing the instruments.

Furthermore, language laboratory is not only used by English lesson, but also can be used by any language lessons. There are four language lessons in SMANELA, they are Bahasa Indonesia, English, Arabic and Bahasa Jawa. Those teachers can use language laboratory when teaching and it is very useful for students.

For the reason above, I urge the school commitee to build language laboratory.

That's our open letter, we need support and participation from all school component.

sincerelly yours

English teachers of SMAN 1 Welahan Jepara

re-posting from www.peperonity.com/go/sites/mview/hortatory/14929991